Year 7 Design & Technology
In Design & Technology at KSGS pupils experience a range of resistant materials, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacture.
The subject of design and technology enables pupils to develop a wide range of skills. These skills include problem solving, creativity, independent learning, innovation, presentation, ICT and manufacturing skills. All these skills develop a basic understanding and awareness of the modern technology, which we use and the wider social implications which we have as consumers of products.
The experiences, which the subject gives to students, are unique and allow the students to apply their knowledge and skills in a variety of problem solving and evaluation situations. Students are encouraged to use knowledge gained throughout the schools’ curriculum.
Year 7 D&T Curriculum
The Design & Technology Curriculum areas covered during this year are:
- Basic Health and Safety for workshop practice.
- Polymer shaping, using heat.
- Timber project using hand tools and power tools.
- Metal based jewellery project.
- 3D Printing.
- Basic CAD & CAM will also be taught in the first term.
D&T Assessment
All students are assessed through a variety of assessment procedures and given a grade 1 to 9 in line with the new GCSE assessment grades. Full assessments are made after each project is completed.
Assessment procedures are:
- Design outcomes are through a Design, Make and Evaluating criteria.
- Practical outcomes are assessed to GCSE standards.
For more information, please go the DATA (Design & Technology Association) website at or contact Mr Kevin Gough